What is a DNO application?

Article posted

21st Mar 2024

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5-10 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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Solar panels are a fantastic way for businesses to save money on electricity bills and reduce their environmental impact. But before you get on the roof and start installing, there is a crucial step you can't skip: submitting a DNO application.

It’s important to note that not all businesses will need to register solar panels. However, if your system capacity is over 3.68kWp then you will need permission from the DNO before the installation process.

Throughout this blog we will take you through everything you need to know about a DNO application. Also, if you decide to go with us for solar, we will guide you through the entire process. If you're still unsure about solar panels, try our solar calculator to see how much they would cost before reading the article.

What is a DNO Application?

DNO stands for Distribution Network Operator. These are the companies responsible for maintaining the electricity grid that delivers power to your business. A DNO application is a process where you inform them about your solar panel installation.

Once you, or the company taking care of your solar installation, has a DNO approval letter, the work on your building will be able to take place.


Why is it Necessary?

Solar panels generate electricity, and when fed back into the grid, they can cause fluctuations in voltage. This can lead to problems like flickering lights or even power outages. The DNO needs to be aware of your installation to ensure the grid can handle the additional electricity and continues to operate safely and efficiently.


Types of DNO Applications

There are two main types of DNO applications, depending on the size of your solar panel system:

  • G83 Application (Under 3.68kWp): This is a simpler process for smaller installations. You can usually notify the DNO after the installation is complete.
  • G99 Application (Over 3.68kWp): Larger installations require a more detailed application submitted before work begins. The DNO will assess if any upgrades are needed to the grid to accommodate the additional electricity.


Benefits of a DNO Application

A DNO application isn't just a regulatory hurdle. It also benefits your business:

  • Grid Safety: By informing the DNO, you help ensure the safety and stability of the electricity grid for everyone.
  • Faster Connection: A smooth DNO application process can speed up the connection of your solar panels to the grid, allowing you to enjoy the benefits sooner.
  • Financial Incentives: Some DNOs offer financial incentives for businesses that connect solar panels to the grid.


Finding your local DNO

The first step is to identify your local DNO. You can usually find this information on your electricity bill. They will have specific requirements and forms for submitting your DNO application. In some cases, your solar panel installer may handle this process for you.

By following the DNO application process, businesses can ensure a smooth and safe transition to solar power. So, before you start soaking up the sun's rays for energy savings, make sure you connect with your DNO first.


How to complete your DNO application form

Although your solar installer will probably manage the application process for you, there are things you can do to make sure this goes smoothly.


Checking your solar installer

It's crucial to verify that the solar installer you select is registered with a certification scheme. This ensures that the installer adheres to industry standards and performs the installation accurately and reliably.

At Resolve Net Zero we work with some of the best solar providers in the UK. This ensures that we only offer our customers the best service possible. Get in touch if you want to find out more about the companies we work with today.


Decide when to send your application

As we mentioned above if your system size is under 3.68kWp you could send the application after the solar panels are in place. However, this would be something you are best asking your solar panel installers about.


Install solar

After you have the permissions to install the solar PV system the work on your building will begin. Your solar installer will ensure your premises has the relevant permission before they start work. However, you are responsible as the building owner for ensuring the relevant permission has been given.


Keep documentation safe

Once you have a DNO certificate for solar panels, you need to keep this safe as you will need it if you ever decide to sell your property.


How do I get a DNO letter for solar panels?

Your solar panel installer should be able to help you locate the relevant paperwork that you need to fill out. If you get in touch with us, we can help you with this today.

What happens if the DNO does not approve?

It's unlikely that the DNO will not approve solar panel work on your building. However if they do, it is usually because additional work will have to be carried out to upgrade your electricity system to ensure the grid can cope with the excess electricity supply. If this is the case there may be a small fee to pay for the electricity network can update your connection.


How long does it take to get a DNO approval?

In order to register solar panels, you will have to wait for your DNO approval to come back. This usually takes between 8-12 weeks but could take up to 3 months depending on demand. This is why it is best to start looking at solar as early as possible.


What else requires a DNO application?

Making any significant changes to your electricity connection would require you to compete a DNO application for the extra electricity generated. These applications ensure the local grid is prepared for any possible surges in electricity supply. The renewables that require this usually are:

  • Heat pumps,
  • EV charging points,
  • Battery storage.

If you're ready to improve your energy efficiency whilst driving down energy bills then why not get in touch? With our carbon management plans we will give your business everything it needs to reduce consumption and maximise on savings. . Request a free quote now and start reducing your carbon footprint and energy bills today.