Net Zero News

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How UK Businesses Can Help Achieve Net Zero by 2030

How UK Businesses Can Help Achieve Net Zero by 2030

The UK has set an ambitious target: to achieve net zero carbon emissions. This goal aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and secure a sustainable future. As significant contributors to the economy and the environment, UK businesses play a crucial role in reaching this milestone. Here's how businesses across the country can contribute to the net zero agenda. Adopt renewable...

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Could solar energy in the UK be getting a boost?

Could solar energy in the UK be getting a boost?

The recent shift to a Labour government in the UK has ignited discussions across various sectors about potential policy changes and their implications. One of the most significant areas of interest is renewable energy, particularly solar power. What changes are Labour planning to make? Since being in government, Labour have made it clear they intend to make a lot of changes when it comes...

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How the Labour Government will reach net zero goals

How the Labour Government will reach net zero goals

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues that the new Labour government will have to deal with. The race to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is critical for the future of our planet. In the UK, this goal requires a collaborative effort between government, businesses, and citizens. The new Labour government will play a pivotal role in leading this charge, implementing...

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How carbon offsetting masks corporate pollution

How carbon offsetting masks corporate pollution

In an era where sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a business imperative, many companies are eager to showcase their green credentials. However, behind the glossy veneer of environmental responsibility, a troubling practice known as greenwashing continues to thrive. Greenwashing, the act of misleading consumers about the environmental benefits of a product, service,...

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Different types of solar panels for businesses

Different types of solar panels for businesses

As businesses across the UK increasingly seek sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions, solar panels are emerging as a popular choice. The technology has evolved significantly, offering a variety of options tailored to different needs and environments. This guide explores the different types of solar panels available for businesses in the UK and suggests which might be the...

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Embracing Green Initiatives

Embracing Green Initiatives

In recent years, the conversation around climate change and sustainable practices has intensified. This growing awareness is reflected in a recent survey where 38% of business owners expressed their support for a tax system that rewards businesses adopting new green initiatives and penalises those who ignore them. This statistic highlights a significant shift in the mindset of the...

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