How Voltage Optimisation can benefit care homes

Article posted

17th May 2024

Read time

3-6 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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Many care homes face the constant challenge of balancing tight budgets with delivering high-quality care. One area that often gets overlooked is energy consumption. However, a hidden culprit could be driving up electricity bills: voltage fluctuations.

The electricity demand is very intense for a care home as they need to be run 24/7 to ensure there is round the clock care for the residents.

The electricity supplied to the electrical equipment by default is a lot more than is needed. While this might seem insignificant, a slight over voltage leads to a big waste of energy and a potential burnout of electrical equipment. This is where voltage optimisation comes in.

What is Voltage Optimisation?

Voltage optimisation technology regulates incoming electricity, ensuring it arrives at the exact level your equipment needs. Think of it like adjusting the water pressure in your house. Too high, and you waste water. Too low, and appliances don't function properly. Voltage optimisation ensures a "just right" flow of electricity.


How has Voltage optimisation worked for our clients?

 At Resolve Net Zero we have had a number of customers we have helped save thousands on their electricity bills with voltage optimisers.

One business we worked with was Withins Residential Home. This family run care home, based in Bolton, are committed to proving round the clock care to all their residents. Consequently, the high level of support the home offers was leaving them with a hefty electricity bill each month.

After the first initial inspection it was cleat that the home’s electrical equipment ran at a voltage that exceeded its operational use, which meant they was paying for electricity they didn’t necessarily need.

To fix this issue we installed a voltage optimiser, this connects to the distribution board which optimises the flow of electricity to the legislated European CE Mark. This then led to a reduction in wasted electricity and reduces the burnout of electrical equipment.


The implementation of a voltage optimiser had great implications for our client such as:

  • 8.5% savings on their energy bills
  • £3,640.88 annual saving for the home
  • Payback in under 2 years
  • Reduced carbon footprint by 2,920Kg annually


Benefits for Care Homes

For care homes, voltage optimisation offers a range of benefits:

  • Reduced Energy Bills: Studies show voltage optimisation can cut energy consumption by 3-15%. This translates to significant cost savings that can be redirected towards resident care.
  • Extended Equipment Life: Over-voltage shortens the lifespan of electrical appliances, from lighting to heating systems. Optimisation protects this vital equipment, reducing maintenance costs and the disruption caused by frequent replacements.
  • Improved Sustainability: Lower energy use means a reduced carbon footprint. Care homes can contribute to a greener environment while saving money.


Making the Switch

Voltage optimisation is a proven technology with a relatively simple installation process. Get a quote today for a free consultation and payback period estimates. We pride ourselves on allowing all our clients to see the potential return on investment.


Investing in a Sustainable Future

In a time of rising costs, voltage optimisation offers care homes a chance to take control of their energy expenditure. By ensuring they only pay for the electricity they use, care homes can free up valuable resources for what matters most: providing exceptional care for their residents.

If you're ready to improve your energy efficiency whilst driving down energy bills then why not get in touch? From voltage optimisation to solar, Resolve Net Zero has developed relationships with the UK's best sustainability partners so our net zero experts can source the best carbon reduction solutions available to your company. Request a free quote now and start reducing your carbon footprint and energy bills today.